Genealogy of Marie and Fanny Berquin

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Latest news - December 2004

The genealogy site has gone through serious work. The whole data set has been transferred to a phpGedView site, which offers a lot more capabilities (and is a lot nicer).

The new address is :

This very site should be closed soon.


This website is dedicated to the genealogy of Marie and Fanny Berquin., from Belgium.
It contains ancestry and cousins of Marie and Fanny, spreading over 23 generations. More than 8800 persons are documented.


In order to respect everyone's right to privacy, and current rules, we propose everyone to consult the data in this site, only for the people who already died.
If you are a family member, you can ask Yves Berquin for a username and password. This will grant you access to your branch of the family, including living people.
If, for any reason, you want us to hide some of the information contained here, please ask so here. Feel free to send us also any correction or ommission.

Site entry

Click here to enter the user and password login
Click here to see information available to all.

Last name list

Follow this link to see the list of last names.

City list

Follow this link to see the list of birth cities.

Sources / Thanks

We thank all these people for their great work.

SOSA and generations

Some of the individual file contain a SOSA number. These are the direct ancestors of Marie and Fanny.
Sosa is the universally used method of numbering ancestors. In it the number 1 is assigned to the subject of the list, then his or her father is No. 2, the mother is No. 3, the paternal grandfather No. 4, etc. In this system, a person's father's number is always twice the person's number and his or her mother's number is twice-plus-one. Because of the structured nature of the sytem, a person's Sosa number can be used to describe his or her relationship to the subject of the list.
The details contain also a generation number. This has been computed relatively to Marie and Fanny who are said to be generation zero.

A word on the technique used

Some of the data have been received in the GEDCOM format.
Some of the work has been made with Généalogos 6.
Everything has been then transferred to an online MySQL databaseon
The display is performed by a set of PHP scripts.

Web site created by Yves Berquin